It has been a while since I posted about the QL and how to improve QL range of motion.
In this post I will show you different exercises and stretching protocols to improve your QL’s.
The Dynamic Side Bend. For this exercise you will do 20 reps to each side or you can set a timer for 30s.
Alternating QL Rotations. For this exercise you will perform it for 60s moving slowly and controlled going as far as you can side to side without letting you knees separate.
Banded QL Stretch. Sit in a half straddle position with your knee bent. Wrap a band or belt around your foot and pull yourself down to that side. Hold for 60s per side. You want to feel this stretch in the side of your lower back mores than your hamstrings.
Seated QL Stretch. Sitting on a chair, you will grab the left leg with your right hand. Rotate your shoulders using your hand to assist (see video). Hold this stretch for 60s per side.
Weighted Side Bend. Grab a light weight in one hand. Cross the opposite leg behind you, keeping it straight or locked out. You can bend the front leg to keep balanced. Slowly lower your body to the side allowing the weight to pull you down as far as you can. Hold for 1-3s then return to the starting position. Do 10-20 reps per side.
Dead Hang With Full Breath. Hanging from a pull-up bar (this can be assisted with your feet on the ground) slowly breathe all the way in and all the way out. Do this for 60 seconds or until your grip fails.
Next post will be a 10(ish) minute morning routine to open up the hips and low back. That will be sent out next week!